Like it or not, AI will squash every industry.

Like it or not, AI will squash every industry.

No matter who you are or what industry you’re in. We are all rapidly approaching the same fait, and we need to talk about it.

AI is and will continue to disrupt entire markets. Offering the same results as “specialists” for a fraction of the price, effort, and energy. AI can and will replace humans in many areas.

Sadly, the true is, in the future;

“If you’re average, you’re replaceable.”

A recent favourite Seth Godin quote.

Yes, there are better writers then ChatGPT (or the hot new product), but are all writers better then ChatGPT? I’m not. Of course Midjourney can’t create superior images to a pro-photographer, but can it beat stock photographers?

The the true is, like it or not; you’re (probably) not the best, likely not even in the top 1% in your field.

And this is the worst AI will get, new improvements will risk the livelihood's of millions of people every year.

So what does this mean for us average people?

The “U” of the future.

Before we achieve AGI (if we even get there) there will be an inflection point, where every offering in an industry will either fall into one of two camps. Software/AI or Experts, both sitting at their respective ends of the market with nothing in the middle. (and I mean nothing)

The “U” graph of every market in the future

The “U” graph of every market in the future

Customers will know what they want and how to get it. They will either have a strong desire for the end result, a problem solved, as quickly and cheaply as possible. Or will demand an expert to hold their hand along the way.

Think McDonalds vs fancy restaurant. Each customer has a very different idea of what they want. The McDonalds customer wants to be fed, quickly, and cheaply. The fancy restaurant customer wants and experience, status, and identity.

How do we become the expert?

Think like the customer.

Being the expert doesn’t mean we’re the best at our craft. Software and AI will replace average. Meaning we can offload the skills that are required to get the job done, but are not attractive to our customer. To become the expert, we must think like the customer.

We need to understand what our customers desire, just like the customer who chooses to eat at the fancy restaurant. We need to supply the experience, status and identity, then use software and Ai as the chef.

Eventually the software will get so good that even “experts” will use it in one way or another. But software can never deliver the human touch. The small details that make an experience special, or the core outcomes that make a service desirable. – That’s what you must focus on.

Brand yourself as the expert.


Thanks for reading! I just wanted to document this somewhere, as I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. If you got something out of this, or have any questions please reach out. I would love to hear from you.